Tech Scaling Basics - Building bridges between business and engineering as your product scales

October 28 2020, 18:00 CEST
October 28 2020, 18:00 CEST
Past event:
October 28 2020, 18:00 CEST
Past event:
October 28 2020, 18:00 CEST

In this webinar, we will present our learnings on how to mitigate frequent team confusion, which is the side-effect of scaling, and talk about how naming conventions, rules about writing user stories (and tests) and a more focused team structure can help you avoid the confusion and scale better.

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Here's what some of the attendees had to say about the webinar ...

About the webinar

We have observed many times, during the course of transition between a pre- and a mid-scaling organizations, how a rapidly increasing product complexity can negatively impact product teams’ alignment and their sense of ‘owning the problem’. Therefore, to avoid frequent team confusions, we would like to discuss how naming conventions, team structures and writing user stories can help you scale successfully.

Key learnings

  • What are the naming conventions and what benefits your product development process can get by using them
  • How to effectively introduce naming conventions for business domains, product features, projects.. to your product and technical team
  • How to make sure your user stories are articulated in a way that conveys both context and functionality
  • How to organize engineering teams to get better at owning a business domain

Have any questions?

The webinar will take 45 minutes, followed by a 15 min Q&A session. If you've already prepared any questions related to your business case, that you’d like Daniil to address in the webinar, feel free to connect with him on LinkedIn prior to the webinar.

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About the speaker

Web engineer with passion for high loaded and distributed systems for the past 5 years.
Currently focused on helping companies grow #Techscalling

Daniil Popov

Technical team lead @dlabs